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Welcome to the Matrix Forum


The goal of this website is to provide a place for technical and career minded people to stay in touch within a forum like format. Like LinkedIn but a forum.


I am especially making this website for people who frequent tech and business meetups. If you like going to meetups then you should like it here because ideally this forum will be populated by the same people.

The software

This website runs code I have written for other projects. It's a Reddit style forum that incorporates embeddings. These embeddings are generated from like and dislike activity. The user is also given control over the algorithm factors. Basically every post has a position and you will see posts that are near you unless you want to do something else.

Topics and Sharing

As for the topics they are open ended. I know that things I want to see are things that I'm interested in like AI, web development, and databases, but everyone's interests are welcome. I'm hoping to foster a project culture where people can share what they've worked on and get feedback from others. When making a post you can pick any topic. If it's a link post you can target more than one topic using commas if you aren't 100% sure where to post. I'd recommend a pattern of hitting both broad and specific.

Yes. Promote your stuff. That's what this is for. This is a place where you can share your things. I'm hoping this format generates a more in depth conversation about the things you are trying to do. Hopefully you get better interaction with what you are trying to present in a forum vs a 5 second scroll and like you might get on linkedin. It's one of the reasons we go to meetups. Hopefully we can get some interaction that's somewhere between the two here.

How you can help

Make at least one post. Then we can get this ball rolling.

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